
We are always looking for great people

Interested? Shoot a short email to

Hardware heroes

Hardware is a fundamental component of our solutions. It partly determines the range and robustness of our services. Do you have extensive experience in the field of power electronics and want to shape state of the art solutions? Reach out!

Many cool things are concentrated around our cloud solutions. Integrations with mobile apps, third parties and more advanced type of algorithms and forecasting. Super scalable. In terms of connected devices and traffic per device. Low latency is a must for some services. Cloud native nerds, join the squad!

Firmware freaks

For some of our use cases, edge computing is the way to go. This requires efficient, mean and sophisticated software running locally. Experience in this field, preferably combined with IoT knowledge? Come and join us!

Customer champions

It is needless to say that we put our customers centrally. To do so, we need the best people. From commercial chiefs to user experience experts. Do you get energy from delighting customers? Drop us a note!

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come

– Victor Hugo